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Do Not Grow Weary

Writer's picture: Tara BarndtTara Barndt

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

A few days ago, a friend asked me what I do when I feel weary – not just a physical tiredness but the weariness of serving others, battling with health issues, dealing with a hurtful or abusive past, the continuous putting off of sinful thinking or actions. I hurt for my friend because I know some of the circumstances that are weighing on her and making her weary.

I’ve taught on both Galatians 6:9-10 and 2 Thessalonians 3:13. Galatians says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” These verses are ones that in my flesh I have wished God would have excluded from Scripture because I do grow weary of doing good. My guess is that you have those moments too.

However, I know that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” This applies to Galatians 6:9-10 and 2 Thessalonians 3:13.

So how do we keep from growing weary of doing good? First, let me give you a couple of illustrations. In Bible times, the term growing weary depicted a woman in labor. Some of you will be able to relate more than I can as I have not had kids, but I think we can all get the picture. It is that point when all the pain of labor is in full force, but little baby is not quite ready to make an appearance. There may be fear or worry about the process or just wanting to be past the pain. It is the time where labor is still in process, unfinished and no reward, and it probably feels like that reward of a child will never arrive.

A less painful illustration is that of a farmer. He or she plants their seeds. They water at first, they weed, but two days later, nothing is coming up. Maybe even a week or two and still nothing. My husband planted some pine seeds a year ago. He followed all the Youtube directions. He waited and waited. Nothing ever came up. It was discouraging. Typically, a farmer will see little sprouts, more growth and hopefully reap the produce, but in that in-between time, where nothing is visible or the plant is so tiny it couldn’t possibly produce a single tomato or grow into a peach-bearing tree, it is hard to wait. We can get so discouraged that we quit watering and weeding.

How true this is in our lives. I have several chronic illnesses and cancer that keeps popping up. Will I ever be healthy? Is there an end in sight? At my age, many of my friends are starting to care for aging parents. We love our parents, but it can still be difficult caring day in and day out for someone whose body, mind or both are failing not to mention the emotional toll of seeing the parent you love change from the parent you have known your whole life. Or maybe it is a certain sin or your past that it seems you have been battling for years with little improvement. Sometimes it is division and friction in your church family. Serving once was a joy, but now it feels like a battle ground where you are attacked at every turn. You want to quit making the effort to love that certain person and show grace.

When you are in this difficult in-between, wearying time, Paul says, “for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” I want to encourage you that this is not all there is. God promises that we will reap. The woman in labor will hold her baby, and the pain of labor will be but a memory. The farmer will harvest his crops. Reaping may not come in the form that we expect. It may take longer than we expect. Full reaping may not come this side of heaven, but God is faithful. There is an end and it is good. There will be a time of no more pain, no sin, no death, no tears, no weariness. Hold onto the faithfulness of our Father and the promise He give us.

You may feel weary, but our God is not. The Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are safe (Psalm 18:10). God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1). He has given us the same Spirit and power that raised Jesus from the dead. He is omnipotent. There is no end or limit to His strength. He can equip you to persevere.

We look for and praise God for the good things right here, right now. Trust me. God’s grace is everywhere if we just shift our focus from our circumstance to our Father. Jesus died for us. He redeemed us. God has made His own children, joint heirs with Christ. We have been forgiven. We have Jesus’ perfect righteous record. We have the very Spirit of God indwelling us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. We have an imperishable inheritance awaiting. We have His Word to instruct and encourage us. If God never did another thing for us, He has already given us all that we need.

There is so much more I could add, but I will move on to what Paul continues in Galatians 6:10, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” We continue to do good because it is what another weary brother or sister in Christ might need to help them persevere. Likewise, others persevering in doing good may be what God uses to refresh us. I am so thankful that my friend texted the other day and shared that she was weary. It opened the door for me to link arms with her and walk beside her during this wearisome time, to pray with and for her before the throne of grace. We could encourage and build each other up with God’s truth to keep persevering.

I am far from mastering these things. There are days I am still like a two-year old throwing a temper tantrum because I want to give up. At those times, I fall on God’s grace for my sinful, ungrateful heart, and I remember that Jesus never gave up on me, and He still doesn’t. He obeyed perfectly in my place even when He had every reason to grow weary of doing good to sinners and enemies (Romans 5:8-10).

We'll give thanks to You with gratitude For lessons learned in how to trust in You That we are blessd beyond what we could ever dream In abundance or in need

“Gratitude” by Nichole Nordeman

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Sep 16, 2020

Another great word that applies to everyone! Who doesn't get weary? I'm so thankful the Lord never grows weary of working on me! :)



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