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Trusting My Shepherd

Writer's picture: Tara BarndtTara Barndt

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

A couple weeks ago, I was awake in the night for an extended period. I know there are others out there like me who experience this regularly. I have been using this quiet time to focus on God’s attributes and to pray. All too easily times like this can turn into worrying or amok thoughts (see my blog “Take Captive”). This is one way I have been putting off the amok thoughts and putting on different thinking that would glorify God.

The week after I wrote about amok thoughts, I wrote on Psalm 23 (“My Shepherd”). The past few weeks I have been focusing on Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” I realized that when I have “discussions” in my head regarding situations with others, I am working on my own defense. I am not trusting God with all my heart. I am leaning on my own understanding.

This particular night that I was awake, these three things merged in my mind: amok thoughts (or taking them captive), trusting God with all my heart and Psalm 23 (God is my Shepherd). This is the result and hopefully it is as clear or clearer in my fully awake state as it was in the middle of the night.

I think most if not all of you reading this would agree that God can be trusted. We know this to be truth, but the way we live doesn’t always reflect that truth. For those who read the “My Shepherd” blog post, I had asked you to write out all characteristics of God you saw in Psalm 23 (God is) and then all the things He does. That night I couldn’t sleep, I was meditating on each of those to remind my mind and heart why I can trust God completely.

The Lord is my Shepherd ~ My goodness! That statement alone should affirm to my self-reliant heart that God can be trusted. A shepherd cares for and protects his sheep. As we know with David, a shepherd does this often at risk to his own life (1 Samuel 17:34-36). A shepherd would not last long as a shepherd if he let the sheep in his care go hungry, thirsty or be harmed. Not only that, but a shepherd wants to make sure the sheep flourish. They will be more valuable. I can trust God completely because He is my Shepherd caring for and protecting me, and unlike a human shepherd, God is omniscient, has all wisdom, is almighty and sovereign, so there is nothing that can hinder Him from caring for and protecting me.

There is much more to be said about God as our Shepherd, but I will end with it being a personal description. Shepherds dwelled with their sheep. David, the writer of Psalm 23, became a king. Kings live in their palaces, separate from the people. Shepherds are with their sheep. David also used the word “my” to describe God as Shepherd. God is an intimately personal Shepherd.

I shall not want ~ There is no “except for” or any other qualification to this truth. I shall not want period. That means God will provide everything I need. Sometimes our amnesia needs reminding that it is not our definition of needs but God’s. We will lack nothing. I can trust God completely for His provision whether it is physical, spiritual, mental or emotional. God knows perfectly what my needs are and can provide for them by His perfect means and perfect timing. Jesus gave us a beautiful example of this in Matthew 6:25-34.

He makes me lie down in green pastures ~ I like the word “makes” that David uses here. I’m sure he had experience with this. We can be stubborn. We think we know what is best, what we need. Our society tends to be go, go, go. We fill our days and nights with activity. We rush from one thing to the next. From the beginning, God created a day of rest. He knows we need it. A good shepherd, our Shepherd, sometimes has to make us rest. David could have left off with just, “He makes me lie down,” but he doesn’t. He adds that God makes us lie down in green pastures. Our place of rest is beautiful, comfortable, lush and pleasant. I can trust God completely because even when I don’t see what is good, He does and makes me to experience the good that I need from Him.

He leads me beside still waters ~ I learned this only a few years ago that sheep do not like to drink from running water. What a loving God we have that He knows these details about His sheep and leads them to the water that they will readily drink. If it were me, I’d say, “Ungrateful sheep! Drink what you’re given!” But that is not our Shepherd. He cares enough to bring us to what is best. I can trust Him completely because He knows even the tiniest detail about me and is providing His best for me.

He restores my soul ~ David may have meant that his soul was restored by the rest in green pastures and the provision of still waters. “Restores” can also be a picture of a sheep that has gone astray and is rescued. In Hebrew, “restores my soul” can refer to repentance. All of these are the loving care of our Shepherd. Sometimes we are weary from life in general or a specific circumstance. We need God’s loving restoration. I remember this crazy hike we went on in the desert outside of Las Vegas. It was longer and hotter than any of our group expected. None of us brought enough water. When we finally made it back to our cars, fresh, cool water and air conditioning was restorative. Our energy began returning. Our countenance began to change.

Other times we may need restoring because we have wandered (like in my amok thoughts) or have been caught up in sin. What encouragement to know that God restores us. Jesus suffered, died and rose again so that our sin would no longer separate us from God. Paul says that there is NOTHING that can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). I can completely trust God because He restores me. He does not leave me lost, wandering, caught in sin or just plain weary.

He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake ~ Our Shepherd guides us by His Word and His Spirit. We are not left on our own to figure out the way. What stands out to me is that David does not say that our Shepherd leads us from here to there. He leads us in paths of righteousness for His glory. This brings happy tears to my eyes. I think about my amok thoughts and my lack of trusting God, and here David specifically assures me that God will lead me in the paths of righteousness. On the cross, Jesus defeated sin. In Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin. We are slaves to righteousness. Not only did Jesus deliver me from sin, but He leads me in righteousness, and He has given me His own righteousness. I can trust God completely because He leads me.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. ~ Even in those dark, discouraging, seemingly hopeless times, we have the comfort that our Shepherd is with us. David does not say that God removes us from this dark valley. He says that God is with us through it. The Shepherds rod and staff were for guiding and protecting. This is why David can say he fears no evil in fact, he is comforted in the dark valley. I can trust God completely because He is always with me, leading, protecting and comforting.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies ~ I mentioned this in the “My Shepherd” blog. David pictures enemies all around, but because He trusts God completely, he can sit at the table and eat what God has provided without fear. Sometimes when we are feeling life’s pressures, we neglect our own care, but God does not neglect our needs. He provides the sustenance we need. I can trust God completely because enemies are nothing before my Shepherd. He alone has all power, dominion and authority. Even with Job, Satan was constrained by God.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows ~ Oil was used on sheep to prevent sunburn and repel parasites. It was another way that shepherds cared for and protected their sheep. In Scripture, oil was used for anointing the priests and furnishings in the tabernacle or temple. It was also used for beautification (Esther 2:12). Oil could signify blessing, stability and cleansing or setting apart like when Samuel anointed David as the next king. God anoints us with oil. We are set apart for Him. It is another sign of His care, protection and rich blessing.

David further says that his cup overflows. God is so gracious. Just like the shepherd leads the sheep to still waters not just any water, God lavishes us with His blessings. He doesn’t just give us a few sips to pacify our dry throats. He overflows our cup. I can trust God completely because He doesn’t just care for me. He lavishes His care on me. He delights in giving us good things and blessing us.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ~ The Hebrew for “follow” means to chase after, to hotly pursue. Just as God makes our cup to overflow, His goodness and mercy chase after us. There is nowhere you can outrun or escape God’s goodness and mercy if that is what He is bestowing on you. I can trust God completely because He is relentless in pursing me with His goodness and mercy.

I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever ~ Our final encouragement from Psalm 23 is that we know our future. Jesus made sure of it when He rose from the dead. Then He gave us His Spirit as our guarantee of eternal life with God. I can trust God completely because He is faithful, and He did not spare even His own Son to redeem me, reconcile me to Himself and make a way for me to be forever with Him.


To really trust God as our Shepherd, we need to remember and be humbled by our status as sheep. Sheep are known to be foolish and are prone to wander. When we remember we are truly like sheep, we will see our need for and trust our Shepherd. Have you forgotten your sheep status? Have you been wandering, doing your own thing, relying on your own wisdom (foolishness)?

How do you respond to the statement, “I shall not want”? Not only do we recognize that God provides all that we need, but we are to trust Him that it is all we need. We choose not to seek after more than what God is giving us. When we seek after more, we are putting our trust in those additional things instead of trusting God. What or who have you been putting your trust in?

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Apr 10, 2021

Love, love, love this and the timing is just PERFECT!! Thank you Tara for your obedience in sharing what God lays on your heart on a regular basis. :)


Apr 07, 2021

This is just what I needed. As an "old" man I sometimes think of how things used to be and the sadness and hate today. I truly wish we could all get back to basics and the word of God. His instructions are so precious and precise. I pray we can all try to love one another. It would be so wonderful. Tara, thanks so much for doing this blog. God had blessed you with a wonderful heart. Thanks and I include Jeremy as well as far as blessings to me. You two share the love and the spirit of God and I hope I have gained a little bit of that. Thanks again and all my love



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